For most girls, prom is a pretty big thing. You need to have the perfect dress and date and have the perfect night. As a Christian, how should we dress and act at prom?
As far as dresses go, a Christian girl wants to look gorgeous, not sexy. There is a large selection of chic modest choices out there. Some girls will spend hundreds of dollars on a prom dress. If this is your price range, I suggest:
Twirl Prom
The Yellow Rose
A Dressy Occasion
Simply Elegant
Bridal Image
Lorna's Bridal
Kathleen's Bridal
Modest By Design
Beautifully Modest
A Formal Choice
However, if you're like me and want something a lot cheaper, JCPennys and Macy's have a variety of nice choices. My dress is a silver knee-length bubble dress from Macy's. (I'm going for an elegant look.)
The trend now days is the mini dress. What is this communicating to guys? I don't think girls realize the seriousness of dressing modestly, especially at places like prom (and homecoming). Guys are not thinking 'beautiful' when see see a girl in a mini dress; they are thinking 'sexy'. I know there are a lot of really cute mini dresses out there, but there are also a lot of really cute knee-length and floor length dresses too.
Another problem we face as girls is showing cleavage. Is it ever okay? NO! This is not helping our guy friends get to heaven. An attractive style that will pretty much guarantee not showing cleavage is the one-shoulder dress. Spaghetti straps, which are usually adjustable, are a great style to go with also. Modest strapless and v-neck dresses are trickier to come by. I pray that all of you will find your dream dresses!
What should prom be all about? Well, you go to hang out with your date and/or friends and to dance. What actually happens before, after, and during prom? Basically, this is when teens do whatever they feel like doing just because they can. Most teens will be grinding during the actual dance. How do you avoid this? Surround yourself with Christian friends who have the same values as you and are committed to being pure and dancing modestly. Before prom, recognize your weaknesses. Tell your friends and hold each other accountable. Another thing that I would suggest is to learn the basics of dancing (on youtube or by taking dance lessons). Learn the waltz, rumba, swing, cha cha, hip hop, etc. Dancing at prom can be totally fun and pure at the same time.
Pray about your decisions in going to prom and every detail of it. We are called to be lights in this dark world, but, in order to do so, we also need to guard are hearts and our purity. Christ may not want you to go to prom because He knows you better than you know yourself, and He doesn't want to see you hurt yourself and others by sinning. If you decide to go to prom, stand strong in your faith. In whatever you do, follow Christ's lead and He will take you on the dance of your life.
Another website article I suggest reading is
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