"Modesty is important because it is the fort that protects the castle, but it is also the frame that enhances the picture." You may not have known this, but clothing speaks a lot about us. What we wear will either reinforce or change other’s ideas about us. What image of ourselves are we portraying? What image do we want to portray? The purpose of being modest, the history of clothing, and knowing how to be modest are three topics that need to be looked into.
Why should we be modest? My sister once said “Every girl wants a guy to view her as a person, not an object, someone to be treasured, not toyed with.” You are a child of God, the King of all Kings. That makes you a princess. You deserve respect. Our bodies are beautiful and holy because we are temples of the Holy Spirit. “ The good of our soul is more important than that of our body; and we have to prefer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our bodily comforts…If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion of sin, and endangers the salvation of your soul and others, it is your duty to give it up…”(Hammond, 65). It is extremely important to note that guys are stimulated by sight while girls are stimulated by touch, physically and emotionally. Our goal, which is to get everyone to heaven, is aided by dressing modestly. On the other hand, immodesty produces a near occasion of sin. These reasons to be modest show us that we have dignity, and we need to learn to look beyond our own needs and wants.
Clothing didn’t really change at all for a long time, but when it did, that change was drastic. “Women wore loose, flowing, feminine gowns that reached the floor, usually with long sleeves and some sort of head covering or hair ornament” (Hammond, 43). Before original sin, Adam and Eve were pure and innocent, and they loved and respected each other. Because of original sin, they were tempted by the world, and the cravings of their bodies, and the devil. God dressed them properly, and people wore long tunics after that. In the 1920s clothing totally changed. Skirts became knee-length, shirts were sleeveless and overall, the clothes had a boyish look. Coco Chanel was responsible for a lot of the new clothing changes. She introduced pants, bathing suits, and a lot of other things. Later on she introduced bikinis in 1946. Most people were appalled at these new clothing ideas, and she ended up spending 15 years in Switzerland in exile. When Coco returned in 1954 her popularity rose. In the 1960s and ‘70s, skirts shot way up, and wearing pants became normal. The 1980s continued to be more casual and were all about huge shoulder pads, huge earrings, and huge hairstyles. The 1990s were casual in a new way; some called it sloppy, but others just called it business casual. Clearly, fashions have changed greatly during a short period of time.
You can be fashionable and still have a modest style. Here are some clothing suggestions. Shirts shouldn’t show the stomach, cleavage, or be see-through. Cami’s are a quick fix for low-cut and see-through shirts. Jeans are really tough. When you sit down, nothing should not be showing and try to get jeans that don’t grip your body, or have rips on the top half of the jeans. A good length for skirts and dresses is to the knees. Just because you are swimming, it does not mean its OK to be immodest. The same rules for shirts can be used for bathing suits. Many stores sell cute swimming shorts that you can wear over your bathing suit. Tops of bathing suits that are low-cut can usually be fixed by a little sewing. These are just some of my suggestions, but you should talk to your parents and other adults who are strong in their faith. Being fashionable and modest is definitely possible, but it does take effort.
The purpose of being modest, the history of clothing, and knowing how to be modest give us a clear image of the virtue of modesty. God truly made us beautiful and our beauty is best seen by dressing modestly. We do not simply want to show others our outer beauty, but we want to show them our inner beauty. Modesty and beauty really do go hand in hand.
© Teresa Mattingly. All Rights Reserved.
Works CitedCatholic Modesty. Web. 29 May 2010.
Hammond, Colleen. Dressing with Dignity. Rockford, IL: Tan and, 2005. Print.
"Modesty Teen Bible Study Discussion Guides." United Church of God, an International Association - Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. 1999-2008. Web. 30 May 2010.